The title of this blog is a favorite quote from Gretchen Rueben's book, The Happiness Project. I admit, I do catch myself wishing away some days, some seasons of life, hoping for better things. The years pass quickly and when I look back I realize those WERE the better things. In an effort to capture those better things I begin this blog. The details of my life are many things: mundane, quirky, sad, joyful, and hopefully, at times, entertaining. About three years ago my life was pretty much an open book when I blogged about our family's struggle with leukemia. When that was over I closed the book. I now open it again----well, at least a few chapters

Monday, July 4, 2011

First Week


We really wanted to go camping the first week of summer, but I was stuck teaching Gospel Doctrine on Sunday, so we camped near by at Kimball. It was so nice to do pretty much nothing. Activities involved playing in the river, endless games of catch, reading a good book, bike riding, and swatting mosquitoes. 

I haven't read a really good book in a while and I was delighted by this one:

If you like historical fiction, you will love this little read. The setting is in the late 1800's in a small Colorado mining camp town. I fell in love with the main character, Hennie. I still think about her even though I finished the book two days ago. You travel with her through her life as she rises above heartache and tragedy. She remains hopeful that good will always appear on the horizon as she  give others a helping hand. A great warm fuzzy experience! My mom picked this up at Costco for $6.50!!! You really need to get this book.

My next book on my list is Heaven Is For Real. I've been wanting to read this one for a long time. Anyone else out there read this and liked it? I'm kind of obsessed with beyond the veil stories and experiences.


Reggie is all about fishing. Before we left he went up to K & D (the local outdoor supply store) and spent a good chunk of his money on hooks and lures. He was a kid in a candy shop. I loved watching his face as he carefully made his selections. I have to admit that I started out fishing with him because I have to be dad as well as mom, but I am 'hooked' (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun) as well.  This time Grandpa took him fishing so I could finish the aforementioned book. The next step in his fisherman's training needs to be gutting the fish. This time Grandpa took care of it. We all partook of the mighty hunter's spoils that night for dinner. He couldn't have been more pleased.

Oh, and FIVE days until.................

Better get out my soundtrack and start singing!


Barb said...

What a great post, I am so excited about finding that book, I too have been in need of a good book lately! Thanks for the advice. Jesse is totally into afterlife stories, one of his favourite books is Life everlasting. I know that it is a really old book anyway if you ever want to borrow let me know.

Coralee said...

Barb, Life Everlasting is my second BIBLE! Love that book. If Jesse likes that kind of stuff there is a great series a friend introduced me to called Beyond the Veil by Lee Nelson. They are kind of hard to find but worth the search. I found a couple in the used section of the Cardston Book Shop and ordered the other two used off of Amazon. Can't get enough of that kind of stuff.

Kaylynn said...

I can't wait to see a picture of you gutting a fish!