The title of this blog is a favorite quote from Gretchen Rueben's book, The Happiness Project. I admit, I do catch myself wishing away some days, some seasons of life, hoping for better things. The years pass quickly and when I look back I realize those WERE the better things. In an effort to capture those better things I begin this blog. The details of my life are many things: mundane, quirky, sad, joyful, and hopefully, at times, entertaining. About three years ago my life was pretty much an open book when I blogged about our family's struggle with leukemia. When that was over I closed the book. I now open it again----well, at least a few chapters

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Has Come and Gone

Getting outfitted for the ski season

Christmas PJ's

Too many presents!

Can't wait to wear this!
"HyperActives" -very fitting.....

Mom and Dad trying to figure out what to do with an IPAD

It was a pretty quiet Christmas this year with just me and my parents. We decided to do Christmas at our house this year (for the first time), since it may be our last Christmas in this house. We fondued and just hung out together. Because my parents slept in my room, I slept with Cooper in his double bed. Not wise planning on my part. Literally, EVERY HOUR was met with a tap and a "Mom, what time is it? Is it almost time? Finally at 4AM I got smart and handed him my cell phone and said, "Here, now you can check the time all you want." 

Might as well add to the zoo. Cooper's Frogs.
Street hockey on the menu for 2012
The kids had a good Christmas and were pretty excited about everything they got. After church, we had a small Christmas dinner at my parents, again, with just me and them. My sister and her family came later that night. 

Boxing day was spent playing with the Williams side of the family at the school. It was fun, organized chaos. It think there were 20 kids there ranging in age from 14 down to 5 months. We had a grown ups verses kids dodgeball game, which was a blast. We also had several rounds of speed ( a bball shooting game) There is no better feeling than beating out all my nephews and brothers-in-law. There was even one game where Reg and I were the last ones in. It really made me take a step back and realize how fast the time is going by. I have been waiting for so many years to play serious sports with my kids and now it seems it suddenly sneaked up on me. The "big" kids also played 

some laser tag, which was a big hit. I swear I could play that every day 
and never get tired of it. 

The Paleontologists during mid-excavation! (Caution for parents: Mess to the Max)

Now were are in full cousin mode with play dates back and forth between houses. Tonight Grandma W. Is having her annual grandkids sleepover. Guess I'd better figure out something fun for me to do. Kid free time is premium around here and I don't want to waste it. Maybe I'll just stay home and read and eat the 25 pounds of chocolate I got for Christmas.

I love having Christmas over with early and having the whole rest of the break with no pressure and other junk. Next week we are heading to the states to snowboard and I am really looking forward to that! 

1 comment:

Barb said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS, I am jealous of your quietness. My parents got home from their mission, it is wonderful and BUSY!