The title of this blog is a favorite quote from Gretchen Rueben's book, The Happiness Project. I admit, I do catch myself wishing away some days, some seasons of life, hoping for better things. The years pass quickly and when I look back I realize those WERE the better things. In an effort to capture those better things I begin this blog. The details of my life are many things: mundane, quirky, sad, joyful, and hopefully, at times, entertaining. About three years ago my life was pretty much an open book when I blogged about our family's struggle with leukemia. When that was over I closed the book. I now open it again----well, at least a few chapters

Monday, August 8, 2011

There Shall be Eternal Summer in the Grateful Heart

I haven't really felt like blogging lately. This week I've decided that I have a pretty boring and unexciting life. Nothing to report that is really blogworthy without getting a teensy bit negative. The Relief Society lesson this week was on gratitude. It was what I needed because I haven't been feeling very grateful lately, and that is shameful considering all I have been given. So, to ward off those feelings, here are ten things that I am grateful for this week.

1. Warm Weather

2. Having so many awesome nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. 31 in all ( I think). Yes, shocking I know. I have been a great aunt for almost 8 years.

3. The combination of Cooper's freckles and his evil grin.

4. Kids who have a sense of humor.

5. A daughter who can sense a bad mom mood coming on and then start cleaning ferociously to combat it.

6. A dear friend who recognized a tough moment for me at the parade and helped me through it.

7. Being able to watch fireworks in my bathrobe from my deck.

8. Being invited to a friend's house for dinner and having a great time.

9. Sleeping in.

10. No schedule.

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

I wish we could be thankful for those 10 things year round. I guess that is why we love summer so much
- because it doesn't last very long.