The title of this blog is a favorite quote from Gretchen Rueben's book, The Happiness Project. I admit, I do catch myself wishing away some days, some seasons of life, hoping for better things. The years pass quickly and when I look back I realize those WERE the better things. In an effort to capture those better things I begin this blog. The details of my life are many things: mundane, quirky, sad, joyful, and hopefully, at times, entertaining. About three years ago my life was pretty much an open book when I blogged about our family's struggle with leukemia. When that was over I closed the book. I now open it again----well, at least a few chapters

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I've never felt like I've been a very good mother. Parenting weaknesses abound and patience often runs thin. I distinctly remember saying to Cam, "I could never be a single parent. I think I would check into the nut house in no time flat." Well...........about that.............It is pretty scary to think how close I have come to checking into the nut house sometimes. There is definitely a reason families are supposed to be made up of a mom and a dad.

When half of the equation is cut out it is hard. Very hard. I don't really have the skill set to be a successful single parent. However, some compensatory blessing make it possible to keep going when the slogging is tough. One of these bonus blessings is the children I have been given to raise. Although they are far from perfect, they are perfect for me. They teach me so much. I feel so lucky to be a mother to THEM.

Cooper sneaked into my bed at about 2:30 AM as he often does. Usually he continues to slumber while I get up and get ready. Today though I heard him awake and check the clock. After seeing it, he leaped from the bed and began dashing out of the room. He thundered downstairs organizing the rest of the troops and shouting orders. Although the attempt to keep the noise to a minimum was duly noted, there was a lot of pot clanging, drawers slamming, and timers dinging, interspersed with a lot of SHHHH BE QUIET! SHE'S GOING TO HEAR US!  The breakfast parade then descended upon my room with Coop leading the way, beaming. After making sure I ate every morsel of my food, they begged to bring in the Mother's Day gifts before we started getting ready for church.

The high point of the day for me was Reggie's talk in church. He did it all on his own last night while I was out watching 'The Avengers'.  (Didn't really like it, but that is a post for another time). It is so weird to see your kid standing in front of a large audience competently speaking about you. I tried not to get emotional and make a fool of myself on the stand, but it was hard to hold back tears. I had the revelation that maybe I am doing a couple of things right and the sacrifices I make are noticed.

Motherhood is often unsung, less than glamourous, and very, very exhausting, but the rewards are out of this world.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!


Kaylynn said...

You are an amazing Mom - especially to be doing it on your own. I love that your kids made breakfast for you. I wish I could have heard Reggie's talk. Happy Mother's Day!

Patricia Beazer said...

Wow! K - I just read your last few posts . . . Wow....

So, I was running past your house the other day, and I was thinking about you - and Mother's Day. You amaze me. . . I also think I would definitely be in the nut house if I had to do it myself. . . . I am so glad you are staying at the Jr. High - so glad you are teaching a choral class - so glad you are such a great example to my kids. . . By the way, I think your children are marvelous too!

Barb said...

Coraleeeeeeeeeeeee you make me cry!!

Christal said...

You are seriously amazing! and your kids are so lucky to have and you made me cry. Happy Mothers Day!!

JRO said...

Would have LOVED to hear that talk! You've always been a motherhood hero to me, even more so in the past few years. There's no doubt you're doing A LOT of things right. I'm so glad Mother's Day was rewarding for you; you deserve it.